Consolidated Water provides distribution, design, installation and management services. Our retail water sales distribution area, located in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, boasts a total system loss of less than 5% between metered Bulk production and metered Retail Sales.
Distribution System Services
We enter into standard contracts with hotels, condominiums and other properties located in our licensed area to provide potable water.
Because our license requires us to supply water to developments in our licensed area, the planning department of the local government will routinely advise us of proposed developments. This advance notice allows us to manage our production capacity to meet anticipated demand.
The new Retail Water target location is taken on board as a franchise area. Consolidated Water will provide the initial capital injection to source, test and purify the feed water, and distribute the resulting potable water to the catchment area.
Consolidated Water designs and employs the best treatment, desalination and conversion methods, and the distribution system is designed and developed to meet current and future water demand in the catchment area.
The Company also addresses the installation of all meters and the management of all billing systems associated with the ensuing Retail Water supply. We bill on a monthly basis, based on metered consumption. Bills are typically collected within 30 to 35 days after the billing date and receivables not collected within 45 days subject the customer to disconnection from water service.
Customers who have had their service disconnected must pay re-connection charges.